Dog Pound
The City Pound is located on the east side of the park behind the grandstands. If your pet is in the pound you must call the City Office to find out what the fine is before you may get your pet released. If you have a stray dog in your neighborhood you must call the Sheriff’s Department at 660-327-5186 to have the dog picked up. They do not pick up cats or other stray animals. If you see a dog at the pound you are interested in adopting please call the city office at 660-327-4334 to find out if it is available for adoption.
Want to learn about keeping your pets safe at home? Read this Pet Safety Guide
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Our pets are multi-talented wonders who are undoubtedly part of our family. They’re also just as prone to accidents and hazards around the house like other family members.
This guide will help you secure your home, specifically for pets. It includes tips on how to keep your house and yard in order, precautions to take when you are “out” and other helpful tips.